Vision and Don Money of Peony Patch sit on 30 acres that they built 20 years ago. Thirty acres may seems like a lot, but it is a downsize from the 120 acre homestead they once had on the Glenn Highway. They have adventure in their veins as they once lived in a converted Greyhound bus for 4 years traveling around the Lower 48, and also lived on a fishing boat in St. Petersburg in Southeast Alaska for 10 years.
With under 1,000 roots in the ground they are a real mom-and-pop operation. Vision tends the field and Don keeps all the equipment running. Vision's favorite varietal is the Mme Emilie "because the color is not pink, not red, not single, not double, smells good, and produces many buds on the bush."
The two are enjoying the challenge of being 21st century farmers; creating a harvestable crop, using local organic products, while merging naturally with the existing environment. Now in their fifth year, their field includes a wide variety of whites, blushes, corals, and pinks. In addition to the peony farm, Don has a shop where he restores classic cars.